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Blog posts tagged with 'dry skin'

It’s not just dry feet – it’s a fungal infection!
It’s not just dry feet – it’s a fungal infection!

Low-grade, chronic fungal infections of the feet are often mistaken for just dry skin.

You've tried Avon products, Eucerin, Vasoline Intensive Care and Aveno. Why isn't the dry skin on your feet clearing up? Here's a recent product review from one of our customers for Antifungal Healing Foot Cream:

Natural Moisturizing Callus Butter

Heel fissures are a unique form of callus that is often seasonal, worse in the winter due to cold, dry air. Heel fissures are easily treated with Natural Moisturizing Callus Butter.

What causes heel fissures?
What causes heel fissures?

What are heel fissures and how are they treated? This article explores the treatment options for cracked heels and heel fissures.