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Blog posts tagged with 'hallux limitus'

Introduction of The 1stRaythotic – ultra thin carbon fiber insole
Introduction of The 1stRaythotic – ultra thin carbon fiber insole

When a podiatrist speaks about the 1st ray, the 1st ray refers to the first metatarsal bone and the great toe.  The 1st rayHallux_limitus_diagram has a unique range of motion that requires plantarflexion of the first metatarsal to enable dorsiflexion of the great toe.  In essence, the first metatarsal needs to drop lower...

Cartiva® Implant Failure
Cartiva® Implant Failure

What are the criteria for long term success of orthopedic implants and why is the Cartiva® Implant designed for failure?

Compatibility between human tissue (bone, cartilage, ligament, tendon, and fascia) and orthopedic implants requires a number of criteria for success.  Rahyussalim, et al, in thei...

Carbon graphite insoles and gait
Carbon graphite insoles and gait

Levers, rockers and carbon graphite insoles

Part 3 – Putting it all together

In part 1 of this conversation I presented a common customer question:  can I wear just one carbon fiber insole?  I briefly discussed gait and how a carbon fiber insole may affect gait.  In part 2 of this conversation, I ...

Treat Hallux Limitus with a Morton's Extension
Treat Hallux Limitus with a Morton's Extension

What is a Morton's Extension?

Thomas George Morton (1835-1903) was a clinical professor and surgeon at The Pennsylvania Hospital.  He was an active surgeon during The Civil War and founding director of several hospitals in the Philadelphia area.  As a pioneer of surgical techniques, he is accredite...

Toe Spring | What is it and why is it helpful?
Toe Spring | What is it and why is it helpful?

What is Toe Spring?Toe Spring

Toe spring is the term used to describe a shoe or foot insert that enables rolling off the forefoot. Let me create the visual – think clog, men’s wingtip shoes or MBT Shoes. Each of these are examples of what is also called a forefoot rocker (aka toe spring.)

Toe Spring – is th...