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Blog posts tagged with 'lapidus bunionectomy'

Should every Lapidus bunionectomy use a Carbon Fiber Spring Plate?
Should every Lapidus bunionectomy use a Carbon Fiber Spring Plate?

How do Carbon Fiber Spring Plates improve the Lapidus bunionectomypatient experience post Lapidus bunionectomy?

Medical and surgical care is often trending related to new technology and new concepts related to care.  Surgical procedures are a great example of trends in medicine.  A patient’s contact with a new procedu...

Lapidus Bunionectomy – tips to return to early weight bearing
Lapidus Bunionectomy – tips to return to early weight bearing

Foot and ankle surgeons – sleep better at night.  Complete Carbon fiber Spring Plate your Lapidus construct with a Carbon Fiber Spring Plate to insure rigid support with early ambulation

Lapidus bunionectomy (also called Lapiplasty) has become very popular over the past two to three years.  The Lapidus procedure has a numb...

Adjacent segment disease post bunionectomy
Adjacent segment disease post bunionectomy

To fuse or not to fuse – that is the bunionectomyAustin bunionectomy

Adjacent segment pathology following bunionectomy procedures

Foot and ankle surgeons use a number of fusion techniques to treat forefoot pathology.  Fusion of the great toe joint is commonly used to treat acquired hallux valgus (bunion).  The Lapid...