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Blog posts tagged with 'nail injury'

Just For Toenails - Enhanced Nail Polish
Just For Toenails - Enhanced Nail Polish

Enhanced Nail Polish In Multiple ColorsJust For Toenails Nail Polish

Who'd've thought you could treat nail fungus with fun colors?

Spring has sprung, the grass has riz’, my how good my toenail is! It’s sandal season, y'all, and Just For Toenails is here just in time to help you get ready for summer and sandal season. Choose f...

How is 40% urea used to treat fungal infections of the toe nail?
How is 40% urea used to treat fungal infections of the toe nail?

What you'll learn:

  1. How does Urea help with toenail fungus?
  2. What else can I do to restore my damaged fungal nails?
  3. Which products are the most effective?
Reading time:  4 minutes
Updated:  6/21/2021
Dr. Jeffrey OsterJeffrey A. Oster, DPM
Medical Advisor
Treatment of Runner's Nail
Treatment of Runner's Nail

Runner's nail is a bruise that forms beneath the nail. The most common contributing reason for runner's nail is shoes that are too short, but even more often, loose shoes that allow the foot to piston within the shoe. With a loose shoe, the nail repeatedly slams into the toe box of the shoe resulting in runner's nail. This article explores the treatment options for runner's nail.