Foot and Ankle Forum Guidelines
Foot and Ankle Discussion Forum
1. You must be 18 years of age and a registered user at to post in this forum.
2. Your name is optional but if you are a health care professional please state your credentials, i.e. MD, DPM, RN, AT, DC, CNP, etc. If you are a student, please state your current level of training and discipline.
3. Be respectful of others. We're here to learn and share.
4. When possible, please cite your comments with references to specific journal articles.
5. Any post that contains self promotion, advertisement or disrespect for other forum members will be deleted and the forum member banned.
6. This is a public forum. Please do not post personal information that you do not wish to be seen by others.
7. You are welcome to start a new topic.
8. Multiple posts of the same topic won't get you a response from the moderator any faster than if you post just once to one forum heading. Please, only one thread per topic.
The forum moderator reserves the right to delete any post or ban any member from the forum.