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Anatomy 101 – the lower extremity

Foot anatomy – them bones them bonesfoot x-ray

One of the more popular tools on is our vast foot and ankle knowledge base. In addition to articles on common foot and ankle conditions, we also have an entire section on lower extremity anatomy. The most useful set of images in our foot and ankle anatomy section are the x-rays of the feet. The x-rays are marked with a colorful overlay. The overlay helps our sales staff when working with customers – does it hurt more over the #5 or the #7?

Training the professionals of tomorrow

We also get feedback from students and health care professionals who use our anatomy images in presentations. It’s great to know that our information is being used to train future health care professionals. Additional resources in the foot and ankle anatomy section include;

Our foot and ankle anatomy images are just a small part of what we call Medically Guided Shopping. We’re not your doctor and we can’t make a diagnosis for you, but we help to guide you into a better understanding of your foot or ankle problem. With a better understanding comes focused care, fewer costs, and improved outcomes.


Dr. Jeffrey Oster
Jeffrey A. Oster, DPM

Medical Advisor

Updated 3-11-2021

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