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Foot and Ankle Resources for Providers

Foot and ankle educational resources for patients

A how-to guide for providers – using the foot and ankle knowledge base

As a health care provider, how can you use’s foot and ankle knowledge base to benefit your patients? There are two ways that are really quick and easy.

  1. During patient visits.

Ever get stuck trying to educate a patient about anatomy, body planes or the bone structure of the foot? A picture can be worth a thousand words. Here are some fast references you might want to use on your laptop to help patients.

X-rays of the foot and ankle

Spatial orientation

Muscles of the lower extremity

Nerves of the lower extremity

  1. Conclusion of the patient’s visit

It’s easy to satisfy Meaningful Use requirements with foot and ankle knowledge base pages. Here’s a few quick links to some of our more popular foot and ankle knowledge base page.

Plantar fasciitis

Achilles tendinitis

Saddle bone deformities

Hallux limitus


All articles are open source meaning that you are free to share articles with your patients. Simply print the article at the conclusion of your patient’s visit and you’ve not only helped your patient understand your recommendations, but you’ve also checked just one more box off the MIPS list.


Dr. Jeffrey Oster
Jeffrey A. Oster, DPM

Medical Advisor

Updated 12/24/2019

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