Medically Guided Shopping - the business model
Medically Guided Shopping ™
We had a great question from one of our customers this week that related to how we do business. The customer wanted clarification on how medical questions are answered and how products are selected for specific conditions. She asked, "does the doctor review every live chat session? Does he review every recommendation for a product?" These are very valid questions that go to the heart of our business model, a method that we call Medically Guided Shopping™. As medical director of, it's my job to ensure that our customers understand how we go about doing business.
What's Medically Guided Shopping™? With Medically Guided Shopping, we 'help our customers find the right diagnosis and the right products the right way'. First, it's important to recognize that none of the staff at, including me as medical director, are able to make your diagnosis for you. Only your doctor can make your diagnosis. But we can help answer questions you may have about a condition or diagnosis. As an example, many of our customers have already been to see their doctor and have a diagnosis. The reason that they contact is to learn more about their condition. In many cases, our customers reach us through one of our foot and ankle knowledge base articles. The foot and ankle knowledge base contains articles on over 120 different foot and ankle conditions. Although written in layman's terms, the knowledge base articles are detailed enough to be used by medical students and health care providers. Our foot and ankle knowledge base articles are often used to satisfy the requirements for electronic health record meaningful use. But again, let me be clear, although we cannot make your diagnosis, we can help you to understand your diagnosis a bit better.
One of my roles as medical advisor is to curate the foot and ankle knowledge base. Each week I scan journals for updated articles and collect images from my practice. Updates of the knowledge base are performed daily.
Another one of my roles as medical advisor is to select and vet products for sale by Our foot care products are paired with specific conditions in the foot and ankle knowledge base. By doing this we not only offer to our customers the best foot care products but we also help to cut down on unnecessary purchases. Our goal is to help our customers save money by selecting the best product for their particular condition.
Communication with our customers whether by live chat, email or on the phone is accomplished by our sales staff. As medical advisor, do I review each and every live chat or phone call? No, I can't possibly do so. But each of those customer touchpoints is reviewed on a weekly basis. As a company, we have an all-hands-on-deck meeting once a week to discuss medical conditions, product selection and specific questions related to foot care product use. Questions about specific foot care products go into our product FAQs while customer service questions are placed in our customer service portal knowledge base. I'm proud of my staff and the way they manage customer questions.
We work hard to build your confidence and your trust. And we thank you for the opportunity to serve you. For additional information about our business model, please visit our privacy and security policy page.
Jeffrey A. Oster, DPM
Medical Advisor
Updated 12/27/19