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Natural Wart Remover | Ingredients

Natural Wart Remover - How does it work?Natural Wart Salve

How do the ingredients in Natural Wart Remover work against a wart?

Natural Wart Remover is the only natural product available today on the market that is used to treat superficial warts of the skin (hands and feet.) What are the ingredients of Natural Wart Remover and how do they work in treating warts? Let's take a peek at each active ingredient in Natural Wart Remover.

  • Willowbark oil (Salix amygdaloides) - Salicin is the primary ingredient in willow bark. Salicin is the precursor to salicylic acid. Although primarily used as a pain reliever, sal acid is also an effective chemical debriding agent. We use sal acid to debride the wart and to decrease the pH of the wart.
  • Chapparal oil (Larrea tridentate) - Chapparal oil is derived from Larrea tridentata, a plant found in the American southwest. Chapparal oil has a long history of topical and internal uses. Our intended use of chapparal oil is due to it's success in treating herpes 1 virus and HPV. The common wart is a papilloma virus that is affected by chapparal oil.
  • Castor oil (Ricinus communis) - Castor oil is the source of undecylenic acid, a natural antifungal. In addition to its antifungal properties, undecylinic acid has been shown to possess anitiviral properties including the papilloma virus that causes the common wart.
  • Sage oil (Salvia officinalis) - Sage oil can contain up to 50% thujone. Thujone is a ketone and best known as the active ingredient in absinthe. Thujone exerts a mild cytotoxic effect on skin cells and significantly affects the rapid cell growth of a virus including papilloma virus.
  • Lavender oil - Lavender oil is not a pure essential oil but rather a complex of phytochemicals including linalool and linayl acetate. Lavender oil has shown antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its antiviral properties are not fully proven.
  • Tea tree oil - Tea tree oil is derived from a number of different plants including Melaleuca. Tea tree oil has a long history of use as an antibacterial and antifungal. Use against viruses is still unproven.

You can see that the formulation of Natural Wart Remover is actually quite complex and targeted to wart treatment. It's important to note that each of the active ingredients we use are focused to our intended use and efficacy. Our goal is to use only natural, proven ingredients, and no extra fillers or unneeded ingredients.

We've had a lot of positive feedback from customers who have tried Natural Wart Remover. We hope you are also able to enjoy the benefits of this unique natural wart solution.


Thalia Oster, JD

Thalia Oster, JD
Founder and COE (Chief of Everything)

Updated 3/23/2021

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