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Treating metatarsal stress fractures with Carbon Graphite Spring Plates

Carbon Graphite Spring PlateTreating metatarsal fractures with Spring Plates

When you purchase a Carbon Graphite Fiber Spring Plate we'll send you a follow-up survey asking why you purchased it. The feedback that we get from customers on regarding the use of Spring Plates is really quite interesting. I not only enjoy reviewing the feedback but I actually learn from the uses. Many of our customers are referred to us by their podiatrist or orthopedist while many customers are self-referred, particularly the sports customers. Seems carbon graphite spring plates are talked about in a number of runners forums and Facebook running groups.

I saw two of my own patients this week for follow-up on metatarsal stress fractures that were diagnosed over a month ago. In each case, we recommended the use of a Spring Plate as an alternative to a walking cast or post-op shoe. In both cases, the patients confirmed that the use of the Spring Plate made a significant difference in how they felt. With the Spring Plate, they could be on their feet for longer periods of time. Without the Spring Plate, they were limited in their activities.

Any other uses that you might have used your Spring Plate for? We'd love to hear from you.


Dr. Jeffrey Oster

Jeffrey A. Oster, DPM
Medical Advisor

Updated 12/27/19

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