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  • January 11, 2018

    Tineacide Becomes Terpenicol

    The same great powerful antifungal foot care product – now with a new name. Tineacide Antifungal Cream has changed. The manufacturer, Blaine Labs, states that they intend to market the Tineacide line of products in a retail environment and wanted...

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  • November 6, 2016

    Chronic dry skin of the foot? Consider t. rubrum.

    If you're over 35 years of age, it's likely that you've come in contact with a low grade fungal infection called tinea rubrum (t. rubrum). t. rubrum looks just like dry skin. Classically described in the dermatology literature, t.rubrum infections appear in a moccasin distribution, meaning to say that the appearance of dry skin, (t. rubrum infection) is distributed on the sides and bottom of the foot.

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  • August 15, 2014

    I thought it was just dry skin.

    One of the most common problems I see in my private office is athlete's foot. Let me stress the term 'see' because typically, the athlete's foot infection isn't the primary reason for the office call. The primary reason for the visit may be a sprain or fracture, but rarely is it for chronic dry skin of the bottom of the foot.

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