Reusable Foot Pads
What's so cool about reusable gel foot pads? The reason they're so popular is that they just keep on a' working. Simply wash with soap and water and they become adherent again.
What's so cool about reusable gel foot pads? The reason they're so popular is that they just keep on a' working. Simply wash with soap and water and they become adherent again.
Podiatrists discuss a transfer lesion as a complication of bunion surgery. What is a transfer lesion and how is it treated? This article explores the concept of transfer lesions and treatment options.
How do you speed the healing of metatarsal stress fractures? The Forefoot Compression Sleeve stabilizes fractures and controls forefoot edema. Works well in post-op shoes or in street shoes.
Morton's neuroma is a common condition of the forefoot, but not all forefoot pain is Morton's neuroma. This article explores the differential diagnosis of Morton's neuroma.
Carbon fiber spring plates are a lightweight, rigid addition to shoes that are used to treat midfoot and forefoot problems. This article explores the use of carbon fiber spring plates to treat forefoot pain.
Morton's neuroma can be treated in a number of different ways. This article explores the conservative methods of care used to treat Morton's neuroma.
How is Morton's neuroma diagnosed? This article is the first of three articles that discuss the symptoms and treatment options for Morton's neuroma.
What is a plantar plate tear and how is it treated? This article explores the treatment of plantar plate tears.
OK, so how smart is this? A metatarsal pad that's resuable. Just wash it and the surface becomes sticky again. This pad is easy to use while barefoot, in socks around the house or all day while in shoes.
How do I use a metatarsal pad? Our instructional videos are so important. We can tell you how to use it but there's nothing better than actually seeing a pad placed in the correct position.
Lateral foot pain is often described as 5th metatarsal metarsalagia. metatarsalgia can often be treated by decreasing load applied to the 5th metatarsal with each step. This article explores the use of a lateral sole wedge to treat 5th metatarsal metatarsalgia.
The plantar plate is a broad, firm pad of tissue found on the plantar surface of the metatarsal phalangeal joint. The plantar plate is often referred to as a ligament but is actually firm fibro-cartilage and resembles the menisci of the knee.
Off-loading forefoot pads- The third and final category of off-loading forefoot pads are the pads that are used to target or treat a specific portion of the forefoot. By off-loading, we're referring to a pad that is placed adjacent to the area that is being treated.