Posterior Ankle Pain – Differential Diagnosis
What are the causes of posterior ankle pain? One of my peers came to me the other day at the hospital and asked me about a pain she was having in the back of the ankle. She stated that she...
What are the causes of posterior ankle pain? One of my peers came to me the other day at the hospital and asked me about a pain she was having in the back of the ankle. She stated that she...
Is the Tinel’s sign a reliable diagnostic test? Tarsal tunnel syndrome describes an entrapment of the posterior tibial nerve at the medial aspect of the ankle. The posterior tibial nerve descends the leg and splits into three branches. First branch...
Posterior shin splints describes tendinitis of the posterior tibial muscle and tendon. The posterior tibial muscle and tendon originate in the lower leg, deep to the calf muscle. What causes posterior shin splints? This article explores the onset and treatment options for this painful form of ankle pain.
Morton's neuroma is a common condition of the forefoot, but not all forefoot pain is Morton's neuroma. This article explores the differential diagnosis of Morton's neuroma.
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