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The frontal plane - treating supination

Supination - treatment options

In my previous blog post, I spoke about the frontal plane deformity known as pronation. Pronation refers to the flattening of the arch. Supination, on the other hand, is a foot that has a high arch. A high arch foot is usually a rigid foot and referred to as a supinated foot. Supination is often a bit harder to treat than is pronation. Because the supinated foot is rigid, it is less 'cooperative' when it comes to the use of pads or supports. Supinated feet are often associated with peroneal tendon problems and sprained ankles.

Supination - lateral sole wedges and heel wedges

There are two categories of products that we use to treat supination. Those categories include lateral sole wedges and heel wedges.

Example of our lateral sole wedge includes the following -

Lateral sole wedge

Heel wedges are that secret little tool that is often overlooked when treating supination. Yup, these are the same heel wedges that we recommended for the treatment of pronation. Ah, but smart blog reader, you're already a step ahead of me when you guessed what we do with heel wedges to treat supination. We simply put them in the other side of the heel. So to treat a supinated foot, the heel wedge would be used under the outer edge of the heel effectively limiting the ability of the heel to roll out (supinate)

Examples of heel wedges include -

Heel wedges - rubber Heel wedges premium PPT Heel wedges

Remember, treating pronation and supination isn't an absolute science. For each shoe and for each activity that you're involved in, there may be a different product or application of a product. If you have any questions, be sure to contact us for support.


Dr. Jeffrey Oster

Jeffrey A. Oster, DPM
Medical Advisor

Updated 12/27/19

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