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Which Thickness of Reusable Gel Foot Pad is Right For Me?

Reusable Gel Dancer's Pads come in two thicknesses - 1/4" and 1/8".Reusable Gel Dancer's Pad

Which thickness of dancer's pad is right for me?

We carry a number of different reusable gel products. Reusable Gel Dancer's Pads and Reusable Gel Metatarsal Pads are by far our two best sellers. I took a couple of minutes to look at our sales data to see if I could determine which of the thicknesses were most popular. Here's what I found:

I was surprised to see that with each of the thicknesses, 1/4" and 1/8", our sales data showed that total sales for each product were almost equal.

So how do you decide which thickness of Reusable Gel Metatarsal Pad or Reusable Gel Dancer's Pad is right for you? When I work with customers, I'll recommend that the thinner 1/8" pad is going to be most appropriate for thinner dress shoes while the thicker pad I'll recommend for hiking shoes, boots, and tennis shoes.

Fortunately, the cost of these pads is so affordable that you can try both! As always, if you have questions about these or any other products, just jump onto our chat line to speak with one of our customer service representatives.


Thalia Oster, JD

Thalia Oster, JD
Founder and COE (Chief of Everything)

Updated 3/23/2021

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