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Wounds and wound prevention in the feet

Managing foot wounds in the decompensated patient.Diabetic foot care

One of the greatest challenges in foot care is wound prevention and wound management. Wounds come in all shapes and sizes, but there’s always one common denominator in wound care; a decompensated patient. What is a decompensated patient? A decompensated patient is one who has one or more factors that compromise the ability of healing. Here is a partial list of health issues that may contribute to what we call the decompensated patient:

The sad irony of these health comorbidities, is that all of us tend to become decompensated over time leading to wounds and bone infections. Classically, these wounds and bone infections are found in the forefoot (90 percent), in the midfoot (5 percent) and in the rearfoot 5 percent). 1,2 focuses on helping consumers have direct access to the knowledge and medical supplies used by health care providers who specialize in lower extremity wounds and infections. Knowing that the vast majority of foot wounds are forefoot wounds, we offer a number of different pads and cushions to treat foot wounds and infections.

Pads for foot woounds and infections

Soft corn padCorn pads

Hammer toe crest padHammer toe pads

Gel toe capToe caps and bandages

Gel toe separatorsToe separators

Toe straightenerToe straighteners and splints

Gel Bunion spacer with stay-put-loopBunion pads

Metatarsal cushion gelBall-of-foot pads

metatarsal padsMetatarsal pads

Seeking help for foot wounds and infections

Before you use our products, be sure to use our foot and ankle knowledge base to research to topic that you’re treating. And in severe cases, be sure to contact your podiatrist for additional information and care.

  1. Lew DP, Waldvogel FA Osteomyelitis. Lancet 2004;364(9431):369-379.
  2. Karchmer AW, Gibbons GW. Foot infections in diabetes: Evaluation and management. Curr Clin Top Infect Dis. 1994:14:1-22.


Jeffrey Oster, DPM

Jeffrey A. Oster, DPM

Medical Adviser

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