Shoes are warm, damp, and dark places — the perfect breeding ground for germs that can infect your feet and make them smell. More effective than sprays and powders that can leave a toxic residue, ShoeZap® is the fast, easy way to kill fungus and bacteria that cause athlete’s foot, foot and shoe odor, fungal nails, diabetic infections and more.
So easy to use! Just insert the ShoeZap UltraViolet Shoe Sanitizer into a pair of shoes, slip them into the protective bags, turn on the ultraviolet light and after 15 minutes, your shoes are sanitized. This in-home sanitizer treatment uses clinically-proven technology to microscopically clean all footwear and other small objects.
UVC germicidal light kills fungus, germs and bacteria that thrive in shoes and cause Athlete’s Foot, toenail fungus (onychomychosis), foot and shoe odor, skin infections and more.
The UVC wavelength used is 253.7 nano meters.
Kit includes:
2 Shoe Sanitizers (1 pair)
2 Protective Shoe Bags
A/C Power Adapter
UV Warning Card
User Manual
Product Registration Card
Non-ozone producing, 3-Watt UVC bulbs included.
Indications for use: The ShoeZap UV Shoe Sanitizer is used for the treatment of athlete's foot, dermatitis, foot odor, fungal infections of the nail, injuries of the nail including runner's nail, onychomycosis, dermatitis and toe box dermatitis.
This item can not be shipped directly to Canada, due to importing restrictions. Canadian customers can purchase through our distributing partner Card Health at this link
Here's a link to our return policies and procedures.
SKU#: M1110
How long do the lamp bulbs last?
Replacement bulbs should last around 2000 hours.
Would you please tell me the wavelength of the shoe-zap device?
The wavelength is 253.7 nano meters.