How do I treat a metatarsal stress fracture?
What's the best way to treat metatarsal
stress fractures?
What product do I need to treat my metatarsal stress fracture?
Years ago I saw a Columbus, Ohio police officer as a patient in early July. Although his x-rays were inconclusive, he had classic symptoms of a metatarsal stress fracture. Symptoms included point specific pain over one metatarsal, no bruising, pain with range of motion of the metatarsal and pain when first standing.
The officer was a great patient but had an issue. He was days away from the big fourth of July celebration in Columbus called Red, White, and Boom. He said, "Doc, I hear everything that you're saying, but I get triple time for Red, White, and Boom. I've got to work."
So we came up with a compromise. He agreed to rest whenever possible and to wear his policeman's service shoes. The service shoe really proved to be a great part of his treatment. When laced, they compressed any swelling. They also have toe spring, or a rocker sole that will decrease load to the metatarsals.
We're not all policemen, so what's the best way to treat a metatarsal stress fracture? Simply put, the answer is rest. My go-to is a forefoot compression sleeve and a walking cast.
Interested in learning more about metatarsal stress fractures? Be sure to read our knowledge base article on stress fractures.
Medical Advisor
Updated 4/15/2021