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Just For Toenails - Enhanced Nail Polish

Enhanced Nail Polish In Multiple ColorsJust For Toenails Nail Polish

Who'd've thought you could treat nail fungus with fun colors?

Spring has sprung, the grass has riz’, my how good my toenail is! It’s sandal season, y'all, and Just For Toenails is here just in time to help you get ready for summer and sandal season. Choose from fun colors like ’Loose Lips Pink Ships’, ‘Fiery Coral’ or ‘Mountain View Blue’. All contain the top antifungal product, tea tree oil, to fight that fungus.

Toe nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, typically occurs following an injury to the nail. Once the protective barrier of the nail is disrupted by injury, fungus, which is everywhere around us in nature, will slowly invade the nail. Fungus initially appears as a yellow discoloration at the tip of the nail, progressing slowly to the base of the nail over the course of months to years.

You can have fun with nail polish colors while you fight toe nail fungus – how cool is that?


Dr. Jeffrey Oster
Jeffrey A. Oster, DPM

Medical Advisor

Updated 3-11-2021

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