Are there any other uses for the Toe Cushions?
Well yes, you can always use them to separate your toes or fingers while your toenail polish is drying!
I have corns between my toes. Will these help them to go away or at least not hurt?
The toe cushions are a great way to help alleviate pain between the toes due to corns. They should also help with the friction which is most likely causing the corns.
Does this product contain latex?
Nope, it's latex free.
My mom has sores between her toes that are probably from her diabetes. Can I use these pads to separate her toes? I'm thinking that if I do, they might heal?
Toe cushions would be a good place to start. But be sure to check with your mom's doctor first. There are so many issues to manage with diabetes, I'd hate to have the Toe Cushions contribute to problems. But as long as you get her doctor's OK, I think these would be a great choice.
Do you have a size of 'Toe Cushions' for a 3-year-old child?
Sorry, but the Toe Cushions only come in 1 size.
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