Diabetic Foot Cream - Hot peppers? Really?
Natural Diabetic Foot Cream - ingredients
Many diabetic patients suffer from a painful condition called diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy causes tingling and electrical shocking sensations of the toes, feet and lower legs. The symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy become most pronounced when patients retire to bed and try to fall asleep. Most diabetic patients will describe minimal symptoms by day but when they lay down to rest the symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy seem to become increased. The symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy are always there but are masked during the day while we are preoccupied with our activities such as work, household chores or even conversation. But when we lay down and try to rest, the symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy become very obvious.
The etiology or reason for diabetic peripheral neuropathy is still poorly defined. There are many theories that describe the reasons for diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The actual cause of diabetic peripheral neuropathy may not be just one of these theories but actually may be a combination of several of these theories.
Natural Diabetic Foot Cream - treating peripheral neuropathy
Natural Diabetic Foot Cream acts to suppress the symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The active ingredient in Natural Diabetic Foot Cream is capsaicin. Capsaicin is a small oil-soluble molecule that is found in the filament of hot peppers where the seeds of the pepper are held to the central core of the pepper. You have to wonder why we call hot peppers 'hot' since they really aren't hot in the thermal sense. The capsaicin molecule is absorbed into the skin and stimulates the VR-1 nerve receptor. The VR-1 nerve receptor is the portion of the nerve that senses hot and cold. So although capsaicin isn't truly hot in a thermal sense, it does stimulate the same nerve receptor that is responsible for sensing hot and cold.
When the VR-1 nerve receptor is stimulated, it releases a neurotransmitter called substance P. With frequent stimulation, substance P can be depleted from the peripheral nerve fiber and result in decreased pain sensation. We'd often call this a tolerance for capsaicin. Ironically, this is the same reason that many lovers of hot food become tolerant of hotter and hotter foods. By eating foods rich in capsaicin they deplete substance P in the nerves in the mouth.
Natural Diabetic Foot Cream uses this same approach to deplete the substance P in the feet and legs of diabetics who suffer from diabetic peripheral neuropathy. We recommend the use of Diabetic Foot Cream three times a day. Repeated application results in decreased. pain. Although Diabetic Foot Cream cannot cure diabetic peripheral neuropathy, repeated use of Natural Diabetic Foot Cream certainly can help to alleviate the symptoms of painful diabetic neuropathy.
Medical Advisor
Updated 4/23/2021