What's So Special About Diabetic Foot Cream?
Natural Diabetic Foot Cream - the Swiss Army knife of diabetic footcare products
Natural Diabetic Foot Cream is a new addition to the line of natural products at Myfootshop.com. What's unique about Natural Diabetic Foot Cream is that it's really three products in one. Natural Diabetic Foot Cream is a hydrating cream for dry skin, it's an antifungal for low grade chronic fungal infections of the foot and it's a topical pain reliever that treats diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Let's take a brief look at each of these problems and why a combination therapy like Natural Diabetic Foot Cream is so important.
Dry skin is common in feet but treatment of dry skin for diabetics can be critical. Diabetics often develop a condition known as anhydrosis - a loss of the ability to perspire. And in diabetics, anhydrosis is particularly common in the lower extremity. Natural Diabetic Foot Cream was developed in our labs to specifically address the dryness found in diabetic anhydrosis.
Diabetics often suffer from chronic fungal infections of the foot. What looks like chronic dry skin of the bottom of the foot is quite often a low grade chronic fungal infection of the foot called tinea rubrum (t. rubrum.) Although the most common form of foot fungus, athlete's foot (tinea mentagrophytes), presents with bubbles and blisters, t. rubrum fungal infections of the foot resemble chronic dry skin. Natural Diabetic Foot Cream is formulated with natural antifungal and antibacterial ingredients that treat chronic fungal infections of the foot including t. rubrum.
Natural Diabetic Foot Cream also treats painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy causes tingling and electrical shock pains of the feet and toes of diabetic patients. The symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be quite painful. One of the most common complaints of diabetic patients who suffer from diabetic peripheral neuropathy is the inability to fall asleep due to the symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Tingling and electric shocks prevent diabetic patients from falling asleep. The loss of sleep can be debilitating, resulting in chronic fatigue by day and restless nights.
Natural Diabetic Foot Cream is the first all-natural product that is specifically designed to treat diabetic anhydrosis, t. rubrum and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. We think you'll agree - there's nothing quite like Natural Diabetic Foot Cream from Myfootshop.com.
Medical Advisor
Updated 4/23/2021