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The Wonders of Capsaicin

hot pepper harvest

Hot peppers for diabetics?

In the summer and fall, you can find me in my garden, nurturing and harvesting many vegetables, fruits and herbs. We usually dedicate a large portion of our garden to hot pepper plants, planting many varieties. We love the heat and spice they add to our meals so we grill, dehydrate and freeze lots of them. It's also an annual tradition to make several gallons of hot sauce to give to friends and family at Christmastime.

You know what it's like when you handle, chop and cook a bunch of hot peppers without wearing rubber gloves, don't you? It seems like at least once every harvest season, I forget to don my rubber gloves and then for days afterward, my hands tingle and burn from the capsaicin in the peppers. I didn't realize until recently that this property can actually be a benefit to folks with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy. Regular use of an ointment or cream desensitizes peripheral pain fibers, which decreases the painful symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

We developed our own Natural Diabetic Foot Cream and have added it to our line of natural foot care products. We're excited about its unique natural properties and hope that it helps a lot of folks manage their symptoms. It's wonderful how science can take a common irritant and make good use of it!


Thalia Oster, JD

Thalia Oster, JD
Founder and COE (Chief of Everything)

Updated 12/27/19

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