I have had flat feet since birth. When I am on them for long periods of time they get sore and achy really easily. Could the Arch Cookies PPT help?
The Arch Cookies PPT may be a good fit for you. They are a soft arch support and are helpful in alleviating pain for those with flat feet.
How can I determine size I need? I wear size 9 1/2 - 10 women's shoes.
Sizing for PPT arch cookies varies by the amount of support needed. We recommend that small be used for all early walkers and children up to age 3. For children older than 3 and for all adults, medium and large may be used. For many of our products we are able to use shoe sizes to guide you to the right size for your needs. But in the case of PPT Arch Cookies, the size is really determined by the amount of arch support that make you feel most comfortable. As an adult, if you need less arch support, go with the medium. More support, go with the large.
I am looking for something to put in sandals for my two sons, ages 7 and 5 who wear sizes 1 and 12 respectively (children's sizes). The description says that they are for children and also for sandals. Which size should I order for them - the small? or is there a children's product?
We recommend samll for early walkers and children up to 3 years of age. For your sons, you may use either medium or large. The size is not so much determined by shoe size but rather more by the amount of arch support aht makes your sons feel most comfortable.
What size Arch cookie do you recommend for a Youth Size 2?
Since a Youth size 2 is smaller than any women's sizes, a small arch cookie would be the most reasonable size to choose.
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