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Claw Toe Pads - Which one is best for my needs?

Claw toes

Which hammer toe pad is best for claw toes?

Crest pads, Budin splint or toe straighteners – which one is best for my needs?

Last week I discussed my go-to pads for hammer toes. This week, let’s talk a bit about claw toes and the pads that are used to treat claw toes. Claw toes are usually a flexible deformity that affects all three joints of the toe. This means that potentially you may have a problem on the top of the toe or on the tips of the toes.

Toe StraightenerMy first choice for claw toes is to use a Single or Double Toe Straightener to help pull the toes down away from the shoe and to get the toes to lay flat. Toe Straighteners are also called Budin splints. There's plenty of padding in the pad of the toe (opposite side from the nails) but there's hardly any padding in the tip of the toe. So using the Toe Straightener actually accomplishes two things; straightens the toes and gets pressure off of the tips of the toes.

The other way to approach the treatment of claw toes is to use a crest pad. A crest pad helps to lift the toes a bit,Hammer toe crest pad relieving pressure on the tips of the toes. If you're having problems on the tops of the toes, a crest pad really isn't the right choice for you. But if the claw toes are having problems on the tips of the toes, a crest pad is the tool to use. We offer a foam, gel or adjustable red rubber crest pad. I prefer the foam due to the leather cover and comfort.

Next week we'll talk a bit about the correct pads to choose for mallet toes.


Thalia Oster, JD

Thalia Oster, JD
Founder and COE (Chief of Everything)

Updated 4/15/2021

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