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What is accessory navicular pain and how is it treated?
What is accessory navicular pain and how is it treated?

What products are used to treat accessory navicular pain?

Accessory navicular

The navicular is often called the keystone of the arch.  The navicular articulates with the talus (art of the ankle) and the cuneiform bones.  The posterior tibial tendon inserts in the medial and plantar aspect of the navicular.  The post...

Adjacent segment disease secondary to correction of Charcot deformities
Adjacent segment disease secondary to correction of Charcot deformities

Charcot joint treatment pearls...

In my blog post last week, I discussed how fusion of one joint increases load to adjacent joints resulting in early onset of pain and arthritis.  This accelerated deformation of the joint is called adjacent segment disease.  Speaking of adjacent segment disease…


Lisfranc’s fracture and fixation questions
Lisfranc’s fracture and fixation questions

Lisfranc fractures - when is the most appropriate time to Closed reduction Lisfranc fractureremove the fixation?

Most foot and ankle surgeons will agree that there’s a need to remove fixation, particularly screw fixation, prior to failure of the fixation by weight-bearing. Once broken, internal fixation is almost impossible to remo...

5th Metatarsal Fractures – Conservative vs. Surgical Care
5th Metatarsal Fractures – Conservative vs. Surgical Care

When is surgery indicated in 5th metatarsal fractures?

It's been a busy week for metatarsal fractures.  I’ve seen three 5th metatarsal fractures this week. One was a fracture that required open reduction with internal fixation (surgery). One was treated with conservative care. The third case was...

Is PTTD still PTTD?
Is PTTD still PTTD?

What happened to the dysfunctional aspect of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction? Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction

A proposal for modification of the Johnson and Storm classification of PTTD.

I met with a patient this week who came to my office upon the referral of his physical therapist who told him that he had posterior tib...